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SQL Examples 본문

대학 전공 공부/데이터베이스1

SQL Examples

Xerath(제라스) 2022. 4. 25. 20:11





    - Find the number of tuples of "student" relation.
    Select count(*)
    from student;


    - Find the average salary, maximum salary, and minimum salary of professors in CS department.
    Select avg(salary), max(salary), min(salary)
    from professor
    where deptName='CS';
    - Find the number of distinct professors who teach a course in the Spring 2010 semester.
    Select count(distinct pID)
    from teaches
    where semester='Spring' and year=2010;



    - Find the number of professors in each department.
    Select deptName, count(*)
    from professor
    group by deptName;
    - Find the average salary of professors in each department.
    Select deptName, avg(salary)
    from professors
    group by deptName;


    Select deptName, pID, avg(salary) // pID가 올 수 없음. 'group by'의 속성이나 집계함수만 가능함!
    from professor
    group by deptName;
    Select avg(salary) // 이렇게 'group by'의 속성이 없어도 괜찮음.
    from professor
    group by deptName;
    - Find the names and average salaries of all departments whose average salary is greater than 6900.
    Select deptName, avg(salary)
    from professor
    group by deptName
    having avg(salary)>6900;


    - employee(name, salary, dno) -name이 PK
    - department(dnumber, dname, location) -dnumber가 PK
    - For each department having more than five employees,
    retrieve the department name and the number of employees making more than $40,000
    Select dname, count(*) //잘못된 쿼리문
    from employee, department
    where dno=dnumber and salary>40000 //조인하고 $40,000보다 많이 버는 사람들만 남긴 후
    group by dname //dname으로 그룹핑
    having count(*)>5; //$40,000보다 많이 버는 사람들이 5명보다 많은 그룹을 추출
    Select dname, count(*) //올바른 쿼리문
    from employee, department
    where dno=dnumber and //조인하고
    dno in (Select dno from employee group by dno having count(*)>5) and //dno가 5개보다 많은 tuple들에 대해서 추출하고
    salary>40000 //$40,000보다 많이 버는 사람들 tuple을 추출한 후 
    group by dname //dname으로 그룹핑


    - Get the name of professor who has the same salary as the professor with pID 10.
    Select name
    from professor
    where salary = 
    	(Select salary
    	from professor
    	where pID=10)
    and pID <> 10;
    - Get the name of professor who earns the maximum salary of the CS department.
    Select name
    from professor
    where salary=
        (Select max(salary)
        from professor
        where deptName='CS');


    - Get names and salaries of professor who has ID with 10 or 21 or 22.
    Select name, salary
    from professor
    where pID in (10,21,22);
    Select name, salary
    from professor
    where pID=10 or pID=21 or pID=22;
    - Find course numbers offered in Fall 2009 and in Spring 2010.
    Select distinct cID //2009Fall과 2010Spring에 둘 다 개설 될 시 중복이 생기니 distinct함.
    from teaches
    where semester='Fall' and year=2009
    and cID in
    (Select cID
    from teaches
    where semester='Spring' and year=2010);
    (Select cID from teaches where semester='Fall' and year=2009)
    (Select cID from teaches where semester='Spring' and year=2010);
    - Find course numbers offered in Fall 2009 but not in Spring 2010.
    Select distinct cID
    from teaches
    where semester='Fall' and year=2009 and
    cID not in
    (Select cID
    from teaches
    where semester='Spring' and year=2010);
    (Select cID from teaches semester='Fall' and year=2009)
    (Select cID from teaches semester='Spring' and year=2010);


    - Find the total number of distinct students who have taken any courses 
    taught by the professor with pID 10.
    Select count(distinct sID)
    from takes
    where (cID, semester, year) in //takes랑 teaches가 가진 동일한 속성들은 모두 join해야 함.
    (Select cID, semester, year
    from teaches
    where pID=10);
    Select count(distinct sID)
    from takes,teaches
    where takes.cID=teaches.cID and
    takes.semester=teaches.semester and
    takes.year=teaches.year and


    - Find professor names with salary greater than that of some (at least one) professor
    in CS department.
    Select distinct T.name
    from professor as T, professor as S
    where T.salary > S.salary and S.deptName='CS';
    Select name
    from professor
    where salary > some(Select salary from professor where deptName='CS');
    - Find the professor names whose salary is greater than the salary of all professors
    in CS department
    Select name
    from professor
    where salary > all(Select salary from professor where deptName='CS');


    - Find all course numbers taught in both the Fall 2009 semester 
    and the Fall 2010 semester.
    Select S.cID
    from teaches as S
    where S.semester='Fall' and S.year=2009 and
    (Select *
    from teaches as T
    where T.semester='Fall' and T.year=2010 and S.cID=T.cID);


    - Find all student IDs and names who have taken all courses offered in 'CS' department.
    Select S.sID, S.name
    from student as S
    where not exists(
        (Select cID
        from course
        where deptName='CS')
        (Select T.cID
        from takes as T
        where S.sID=T.sID)


    - Find all courses that were offered at most once in 2009.
    Select C.cID
    from course as C
    where unique (
        Select T.cID
        from teaches as T
    	where C.cID=T.cID and T.year=2009
    Select C.cID
    from course as C
    where 1>= 
    (Select count(T.cID)
    from teaches as T
    where S.cID=T.cID and T.year=2009


    - Find department name and the average salary of the professors of the department
    where the average salary is greater than 6900.
    Select deptName, avgSalary
    (Select deptName, avg(salary) as avgSalary
    from professor
    group by deptName
    where avgSalary>6900;
    Select deptName, avgSalary
            (Select deptName, avg(salary)
            from professor
            group by deptName) 
        as deptAvg(deptName, avgSalary)
    where avgSalary>6900;
    - Find the maximum total salary of department across all departments.
    Select max(sumSalary)
    (Select deptName, sum(salary)
    from department
    group by deptName) 
    as deptTotal(deptName, sumSalary);
    Select sum(salary)
    from professor
    group by deptName
    having sum(salary) > all(Select sum(salary) from professor group by deptName);


    - Find professor names, their salaries, the average salary of their departments.
    Select P1.name, P1.salary, avgSalary
    from professor P1,
    (Select avg(P2.salary) as avgSalary
    from professor as P2
    where P1.deptName=P2.deptName);
    Select name, salary, avg(salary) //Syntax Error → name, salary, avg(salary) 개수가 다름
    from professor
    group by deptName;
    - Find the department name with the maximum budget along with its budget.
    maxBudget(value) as
    (Select max(budget)
    from department)
    Select deptName, budget
    from department, maxBudget
    where department.budget=maxBudget.value;
    Select deptName, budget
    from department
    where budget = (Select max(budget) from department);


    - Find all departments where the total salary is greater than
    the average of the total salary at all departments
    	Total(deptName,value) as 
            (Select deptName,sum(salary)
            from professor
            group by deptName),
        avgTotal(value) as
            (Select avg(value)
            from Total)
        Select deptName
        from Total,avgTotal
        where Total.value>avgTotal.valuel;
    - Find department names along with the number of professors.
    Select deptName,(Select count(*) 
    				from professor p1 
                    where p1.deptName = d1.deptName)
    from department d1;


    - Find the rank of each student.
    studentGrades(ID, deptName, GPA)
    Select ID, rank() over (order by GPA desc) as sRank from studentGrades
    order by sRank;
    Select ID, (1+ (Select count(*) from studentGrades B where B.GPA>A.GPA)) as sRank
    from studentGrades A
    order by sRank;


    - Find the rank of students within each department
    Select ID, deptName, rank() over(partition by deptName order by GPA desc) as sRank
    from studentGrades
    order by deptName, sRank;



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